911 calls from Trayvon Martin's father released - media woman turns drama queen - like she’s bout to cry.mp4
Alan Dershowitz slaps down prosecutor Angela Corey once again.mp4
Alex Jones reaction - sad case, Zim stupid, verdict was just, media biased in favor of blacks.mp4
Angela Corey & her boys talk about Zim’s not guilty verdict (news report).mp4
Black supremacist Dr. Boyce Watkins debates Steve Malzberg on ‘racist‘ Zimmerman Jury (HD).mp4
Blacks in media report how black NAACP wants black DOJ (Holder) to charge brown Zim for offing black Trayvon.mp4
Blacks produce reenactment video - ‘proving’ Zim's guilty (filmed prior to trial) (HD).mp4
CNN & Piers Morgan hosts bigot Rachel Jeantel (part 1) (an audience filled with fools).mp4
CNN & Piers Morgan hosts bigot Rachel Jeantel (part 2) (an audience filled with fools).mp4
CNN provides platform for homophobic black racist to spew anti-white racial epithets - Rachel Jeantel.mp4
Cooper interviews Zim juror (full).mp4
Deceptive prosecutor Angela Corey feigns earnest innocence as she announces charges against Zimmerman (HD).mp4
Don West and Mark O'Mara on Anderson Cooper (2013-7-15).mp4
Fed’s hire 2 White dupes to lie, ‘we heard a lil boy crying - popo ignored us’ (media promotes it as truth).mp4
Four Zimmerman jurors ask for privacy in signed letter.mp4
Fox News looks into ‘know it all’ celebrities and other ‘fallouts’ from the Zim-Tray fiasco.mp4
George Zimmerman abducted by Rachel Jeantel (HD).mp4
Greta Van Susteren jack slaps Marxist Martin attorney 'Jasmine Rand' in quick bout (2013-7-15).mp4
Half jew - half ‘hispanic’ Geraldo connects with his ‘hispanic half - mixes it up with racist Juan Williams.mp4
Half jew - half ‘hispanic’ Geraldo connects with his ‘hispanic half - sez Tray dressed like a thug.mp4
How the Media Incites Violence and Racism in the Zimmerman Case (DD) (HD).mp4
I don't disagree with verdict - Zim no angel - he won't be going to heaven very quickly (Don Chump).mp4
In Court - Jane Surdyka’s 911 call played.mp4
In Court - Prosecution key witness testifies for the defense - sez Tray was beating Zim senseless - devastating.mp4
Jeorge Rodriquez (Zim pal) sez about his buddy - ‘he kept everybody safe’.mp4
Jewish girl tells dilly Whites, ‘it’s not enough to feel bad, you must also give money to jew and black Marxist groups’.mp4
Judge Napolitano; Department of ‘Political’ Justice investigating Zim (just like jewish red communists used to do in Red Russia).mp4
Krauthammer; Federal prosecution of Zim would be a success for the ‘mob’.mp4
Leo Terrell KO’s Juan Williams on Hannity (if these two were P2P - would have been another dead black).mp4
Liberal ‘Nancy (Dis)Grace’ gets outmaneuvered - cuts mic off on Zim buddy - truth hurts.mp4
Lowlife Alan Dershowitz trashes lowlife Zim prosecutor Angela Corey on the lowlife Steve Malzberg Show (HD).mp4
Marxist libs have a lil fun with racist, anti-semite & swindler Big Al for a quick segment - Al Sharptongue.mp4
Media hashes it out over ‘graphic picture’ of Zimmerman's head wound.mp4
Michael Savage (Weiner) rolls it out to his White listening base concerning Holder & PhD Rachel Jeantel.mp4
Nancy (Dis)Grace teams up w Martin lawyer, goes overboard in her hate - claims Zim said ‘fcking coon’ (1).mp4
Nancy (Dis)Grace teams up w Martin lawyer, goes overboard in her hate - claims Zim said ‘fcking coon’ (2).mp4
Rachel Jeantel clarifies difference between 'nigga' & 'nigger' to Piers Morgan (now we know).mp4
Racist, hate-mongering ZNN (Zionist News Network) tries to offload on 'racist' DOJ.mp4
Rush - Tray was a 'gay-basher' - whoaaaa.mp4
Sanford popo gives Zim the once over a couple times - interrogation, DNA swabs, polygraph, etc..mp4
Tray’s boys burn an American flag!.mp4
Tray’s stepmom in gentle interview with Cooper - ‘I raised Tray - was shoved aside after his death’.mp4
Video - Tray makes his last Arizona watermelon flavored fruit cocktail ice tea & skittles run (full).mp4
Video - Tray makes his last Arizona watermelon flavored fruit cocktail ice tea & skittles run (partial).mp4
Video of verdict (raw).mp4
Violent rioters jumping on cars & ripping out fences for Martin Luthe... err, 'Trayvon Martin'.mp4
White woman attacks soulster Lester Chambers after Tray dedication (HD) (Hell, I don’t know, maybe White folks tired of the BS).mp4
Young communist multiculturalist sez ‘every cop is a target’ in curse-laden tirade - crowd cheers at end.mp4
Zim Bro - ‘we're worried about the 'administration' tapping our phones’ (no chit dude) (HD).mp4
Zim lawyer; If Zim were black - never would have been charged (and if Edison were black - we’d still be in the dark).mp4
Zim lawyers (Mark O'Mara - Don West) interviewed on Hannity.mp4
Zim prosecutors gloss over their failure & railroading attempt of Zim (damn that woman is repulsive).mp4
Zim reenacts incident & talks about previous crimes at complex (Sanford Police video) (raw).mp4
Zim’s former neighbors say he was a nice person who would never gun a mofo down except in self-defense.mp4
Zim’s parents interviewed (1) mom sez; ‘the truth will set you free’ (wonder what liars Al & Jesse think about that).mp4
Zim’s parents interviewed (2).mp4
Zim’s parents interviewed (3).mp4
Jesse Jackson asked the United Nations to investigate the shooting. It's a modern day witchhunt.